It all begins and ends with the soil.
When we invest in our soils, we are investing in our future.
The science behind our microbes.
Earth Medicine organic microbial fertilizer contains shelf stable Pseudomonas Putida.
Which is a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria that can establish commensal relationships with plants. The interaction involves nutrient mobilization, efficient niche colonization and provides benefits to the plant, including protection against pathogens.
The ability of Pseudomonas is to to degrade various compounds and thrive in the root of plants, which can be exploited to remove soil pollutants through a process called phyto-rhizoremediation.
Pseudomonas will actually start to move towards the seed, which puts out a signal, to make contact with it, using its flagella to move towards the seed. Once adhesion is made, microcolonies forma and a mature biofilm which protects the root structure is created.
Pseudomonas enhances rooting and germination rates.
Increases germination rates
Increases plant length
Increases root size
Enhances the number of secondary roots.
Increased size in roots and secondary roots increases nutrient uptake.
If you would like to learn more about, please visit Professor Juan-Ramos research from the Spanish National Research Council and Editor of Environmental Microbiology.
Pseudomonas is the most favored bioinoculant due to its significant properties in both plant growth and phytopathogen control during its synergistic association with the host plant. These properties include siderophore production, phosphate solubilization, nitrogen fixation, phenazines, antibiotics, and induced systemic resistance carried out by various Pseudomonas species like Pseudomonas putida. The ecologically significant applications of Pseudomonas in biocontrol and bioaugmentation are crucial for maintaining food security. Read the full study here.
Why Microbes Matter.
Beneficial soil microbes perform fundamental functions, like nutrient cycling and stimulating plant growth. When you add Earth Medicine products to whatever you are growing, you are replenishing the soil with beneficial microbial life.
What is the soil food web?
The soil food web refers to the relationships between the diverse groups of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes and microarthropods and how the composition of each specific web is greatly influenced by biological, chemical and physical forces in the environment.
From backyard gardens to large scale agriculture production, a healthy soil is the foundation of any healthy plant. Our soils contain millions of microorganisms that perform various functions and help our gardens maintain a healthy ecosystem.
When we improve the biology in our soil, we maximize our plants growing potential naturally.
This is where Earth Medicine comes in.
Earth Medicine Organic Microbial Fertilizer is adding beneficial microbial life back into your soil, which has either been sterilized or depleted of any nutrients. By using Earth Medicine your plants and crops will have the ability to perform vital ecosystem services, such as:
- Nutrient Cycling
- Retention of nutrients
- Disease Suppression
-Proper water retention
The role of a healthy soil cannot be overlooked.
What makes Earth Medicine products different from other all-natural fertilizers, like bone meal, chicken manure and worm castings is our ability to produce bulk products that come in easy to apply pellet form. Our fertilizers contain shelf stable beneficial microbial life essential for plant and garden sustainability.