Our Customers
Re-sodding a Green, Lawn or Sport Field?
Use Earth Medicine as your Pre-Plant fertilizer.
After Install
Project Overview:
Full re-grass of sport stadium in Gainesville FL.
Sodded with 419 Bermuda.
300lbs per acre of Earth Medicine was applied using a fertilizer spreader before sod was laid.
Project Results:
Roots measured consistently at 5 inches, with some reaching 6 inches after 7 days.
Customer has not experienced this level of density or length of root establishment this quickly in previous re-grass projects.
Re-seeding in Poor Soil?
Golf Course Elevation: 5500 above sea level
Growing Season: 90 days
Client used Earth Medicine when seeding with a mixture of Perennial Rye and Kentucky Blue grass.
Soil type was a mix of decomposed granite, sand, gravel and soil and had a cart path that originally ran through the area.
Area was first harrowed, and aerated before application. Finished with rolling.
Client applied 17lbs of Earth Medicine per 1000sqft before seeding.
28 days after planting with Earth Medicine area was mowed
Struggling to grow an amazing lawn?
Use Earth Medicine as a 2-3 times a season and save on watering.
Project Overview:
Client’s lawn had been struggling in past years with dry spots and consistency of staying green.
250lbs per acre of Earth Medicine was applied in the Spring.
Resulted in total green up, decreased need for watering, no patchiness and a thicker more vibrant lawn.
Client did not have to fertilize for the the remaining of the season
Water Saved:
Sprinklers were set for 50 minutes per station to keep lawn looking nice.
After EM was applied, sprinklers were turned down to 30 minute intervals to reduce mowing while keeping the grass looking nice.
Client is now saving 300-400 gallons less per station per day in water.
Resulting in 3300-4400 gallons of water saved per day.
Lawn is about 3/4 of an acre.
Struggle with hydrophobic soil?
Project Overview:
Collage campus grounds had an area of grass that was planted on very poor soil that had little to none living microbes.
This resulted hydrophobic soils, soil leaching and water pooling into the street.
We applied 450lbs per acre 3 times
This resulted in total green up, no water run off and a reduction of watering by 50%
Contact us.
(208)431-8245 (West)
(904)917-0871 (East)
110 S 450 E
Burley Idaho, 83318