Our Customers

Re-sodding a Green, Lawn or Sport Field?

Use Earth Medicine as your Pre-Plant fertilizer.


After Install

Project Overview:

Full re-grass of sport stadium in Gainesville FL.

Sodded with 419 Bermuda.

300lbs per acre of Earth Medicine was applied using a fertilizer spreader before sod was laid.

Project Results:

Roots measured consistently at 5 inches, with some reaching 6 inches after 7 days.

Customer has not experienced this level of density or length of root establishment this quickly in previous re-grass projects.

Re-seeding in Poor Soil?

Golf Course Elevation: 5500 above sea level

Growing Season: 90 days

Client used Earth Medicine when seeding with a mixture of Perennial Rye and Kentucky Blue grass.

  • Soil type was a mix of decomposed granite, sand, gravel and soil and had a cart path that originally ran through the area.

  • Area was first harrowed, and aerated before application. Finished with rolling.

  • Client applied 17lbs of Earth Medicine per 1000sqft before seeding.

28 days after planting with Earth Medicine area was mowed

Struggling to grow an amazing lawn?

Use Earth Medicine as a 2-3 times a season and save on watering.

Project Overview:

  • Client’s lawn had been struggling in past years with dry spots and consistency of staying green.

  • 250lbs per acre of Earth Medicine was applied in the Spring.

  • Resulted in total green up, decreased need for watering, no patchiness and a thicker more vibrant lawn.

  • Client did not have to fertilize for the the remaining of the season

Water Saved:

  • Sprinklers were set for 50 minutes per station to keep lawn looking nice.

  • After EM was applied, sprinklers were turned down to 30 minute intervals to reduce mowing while keeping the grass looking nice.

  • Client is now saving 300-400 gallons less per station per day in water.

  • Resulting in 3300-4400 gallons of water saved per day.

    Lawn is about 3/4 of an acre.

Struggle with hydrophobic soil?

Project Overview:

  • Collage campus grounds had an area of grass that was planted on very poor soil that had little to none living microbes.

  • This resulted hydrophobic soils, soil leaching and water pooling into the street.

  • We applied 450lbs per acre 3 times

  • This resulted in total green up, no water run off and a reduction of watering by 50%

Contact us.

(208)431-8245 (West)

(904)917-0871 (East)

110 S 450 E
Burley Idaho, 83318